Wednesday, 9 October 2013



Well, I know after taking your time to read all these stories, you will do either one of this two: a long hiss or a broad smile…he he he hee. ( I can like to famz myself o jare, erm by  the way don’t mind some of my English abi grammar de ni)

It’s going to be my birthday tomorrow 10th October, though I did love to write an epistle on how grateful I am to God, of how there are still lots of challenges but am still keeping my hope alive blab la, of how it is minus one from the number of my years on earth and plus one for me to make a positive difference, how God has been so faithful to me despite my shortcomings, how I find joy in knowing HIM and wanting to know HIM more, how I have been hurt: yes hurt, how I have been happy etc.

But naaaa, I don’t want to go through all that now or let’s just say the lazy part in me which has made me not write anything for a while unlike those days when writing comes easy, where all I need do is set my eyes on pen and paper or a beautiful sight and bingo; I just start writing, these days if you like drop a stack of paper and a packet of biro in front of me, you will meet it there

I hereby bind and cast every spirit of laziness that is preventing me from writing henceforth.

Ehen, back to the matter jare, I did just do a fun side of   my lazy writing by presenting to you some things you probably already know or don’t know about me.

I present to you 27 things you don’t know (or know) about the brand Halybee..
      am so madly in love with nature, I could stay staring at the moon or sea or any beautiful natural phenomenon for so long; oblivious of people around me.
Writing gives me so much pleasure; it happens to be my number one confidant after God( but I haven’t written anything for a while now)
   I could be very emotional; (don’t be surprised) crying is one of the things that come easy for me, it comes with its own relief, I cry for pain, fear, but most especially joy.
4.      Am not bothered about my small stature, never had been, well..maybe just sometimes ago when a kid, you know actually thought I would make a god girlfriend to him , around that time I had finished from OOU ooo, and was waiting for NYSC, this kid just finished his SSCE, but erm I am not bothered anymore, my dad has the best of words to suit all situations, he would say to me, Buky; never use anybody’s size or form to abuse them, it is the way the owner of the body (i.e, the Creator) wants it that it is, so if you think calling me ‘’iya kekere’’ would annoy me, you are obviously in  OYO, try another trick.
I love to be pampered (rolls eye), who doesn’t?
    I love people that have a sense of humour, they bring out the Helen Paul, the Lepacious Bose, and Princess in me..dur! lemme famz myself small
  Oh my God! I love ‘’ijekuje’’ like kilode; assorted  biscuit, chocolate, milk etc, wondering why am not fat if I like all these things? I can’t afford them
I can be very good with records well; well unless mathematical
   I don’t like drugs; as in I always have to close my eyes to take it, I prefer ‘’agbo’’ not that I like it too anyway.
0. Trust is one thing I hold dear, I don’t joke with it.
1.  I appreciate even the littlest of things/favour, saying thank you gives me pleasure

12.  God! I wish I have and pray for the power to make people smile every day.

13.   Contrary to what most people think; I am not too much of an outgoing type, but erm that is not to say I don’t enjoy outing…but I prefer the less crowded ones.

14.  Am not perfect, I have my flaws, I know, I get angry  when am supposed to.

15.  Yeah, I know I have a sharp mouth, but most times walahi, I mean no harm. *shines teeth*

16.  I know it’s no longer news, but I just thought I did add it, I love pictures.

17.  I was almost going to be the last born, until my little brother decided to show up many years  later, information has it that I was always bothering my mum to  go and bring baby from the hospital for me like our neighbours..Do I love the experience of having a kid brother? Absolutely YES! if not for anything at least me too I have someone I can shakara in the house

18.  Well..most people don’t want to believe that I am a gentle girl, but I am, or let me put it in another way, I could

19.  Mum did thought I would end up studying Law because according to her, I can talk  for Africa…lol, but oh my, I love communication and would not settle for anything but mass communication, I remember when I was very much younger, I would pick up old newspaper, stay in front of the mirror and blab on and on( for my mind I dey cast news)

20.  I am not as rich (cash wise) as you think, forget all the efizy and paparazzi, na demo, I am a first grade hustler, coming soon rich babe In Sha

21.  I wish I know how to draw and paint very well, but I don’t, I remember back then in ss3 biology class when I drew an ant leg because my friend who usually help me to draw was doing shakara for me then, it turned out so beautiful that I showed it to everyone who cared to see it in the block then. I still have the drawings somewhere but I just can’t place my hands on it now, would have posted it.

22.  As much as I like to play and joke a lot; I do not like to cross that thin line for any reason, I don’t like disrespecting people for any reason and each time I find myself doing that, I feel bad and ashamed., always thinking I could have explored other option: silence/ignore.

23.  He heheee he(laughs in Yoruba)..this one is no longer news, I like African Magic Yoruba and Orisun TV, I would pick those two as first choice before any seasonal series, and of course Bollywood  has recently joined the likes..well(roll eyes and shrugs shoulder) but erm its my choice

24.  I may look and act naïve sometimes, I may not know so many things, but naive isn’t the word to describe me, I am a  learner but a fast

25.  Oh how I love  the classroom, some of my friends did say I may be a lecturer, but I think I enjoy learning more,( yeah; I know I have been kind of lazy these days but it doesn’t overrule the fact that I love classroom and like to learn new and challenging stuffs)

26.  I may appear like an ‘’alapa ike’’ but when I want to work, I work!

27.  Bonus! Bonus! Bonus! Ask me any question and let’s see if I would be honest enough to answer(though i  am not under any obligation to do so). You can only ask one question but please don’t  ask me when am getting married, am tired of that question  already, would sure send you all an invite when that time comes…lol
your time starts now……

Now that you are done reading, do you feel like kicking my ass..lols, was it worth your time?  What did you do at the end? Hiss or smile…

I thought I did give myself this birthday gift..reason I wrote this…
Forgive me if it’s not worth your time

…….Halybee nooni