we were just talking about what topic to discuss on Brandz and Jamz at the office, when she suggested why not you as a brand, then i said, that is a good one you know. often times when we hear or speak brands, the only thought that cross our mind is product, product and services, has it ever ocured to you that every individual is a brand?
let start by highlighting some of the qualities a brand must have to be recognised, it must be worth it, that is,it must definately stand for something which makes it popular among it peers, it must make and fulfil a promise, it must be consistent,it must possess values such that when the thought of this brand comes to the mind, the value is quickly linked to it, it must stand out, such that people who patronize it here in Lagos would see it the same people who patronize it in Abuja sees it.
with all of these, it means you have a good brand, now try linking it, which one of these qualities(and even more) shouldnt human beings posssess?
maybe when we start seeing ourselves as brandz it will ginger us(like my brothers in the hood would say) to be a better us, i dont think anyone would want to represent their product or services in a bad way, which in this case is the 'brand you'.
the brand you should endeavor to stand out and represent not only yourself well, but also your lineage, your community, your state and your country as a whole, like this Yoruba adage says, 'omo ale lo ma n fi owo osi ju we ile Baba e'. lets endeavour to be the best brand we can be, yes! because in the end everything you do would fall back on the brand you, have you ever wondered why some people who had died so many years ago still have thier memory fresh in the hearts of people, while some who died just recently cant even be remembered so easily..they were both different brands, they represented themselves differently, hence, the reason for the different results.
see yourself as a brand, stand out and be the best brand you can, no one says it is going to be such an easy ride, have you ever looked into the success story of most of the top ranking and solid brands we have now? they were thorns in their part, but they were determined and ignored their critics and we all know the result today.
this is brand Halybee imploring you to be the best brand you can be!
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