Wednesday, 6 February 2013

For BMO...

First of all....

Not introduction oooo, lol, HBD

As i pick my pen this day Febuary 6th 2013, to drop a note, i remember clearly, this time, almost eight years ago, when this gap tooth Hajia walked up to me and said : salam alykun;

Walykun salam; i replied, as so many things started running throuhg my mind, at first i was surprised that she said salam to me, as this big hijab sister like they are called ,see us the small hijab sisters as ''fake'' so to say(it turned out to be an assumption and generalization), and some of them would not even return our salam, how much more initiate one.

And that way, she caught my attention even before saying anything further, and then she continued, i just want to inform you that we do group reading  and if you don't mind (did she even say if i don't mind; no) she wanted me to join the group, which already has if am right four members, Bidemi, Ganiyat, Nimat (of blessed memory) and BMO herself. how could i say no, she has got this beautiful smile and approach you just can't resist.
...And that was how ladies(now, am joining that club soonest Insha Allah) started thier friendship journey.

I may never have said this to your face before, but really, one of the best thing that happened to me in OOU was meeting you and being a member of that study group.

BMO then served as our team co-ordinator even without knowing,, each time we want to digress and do the normal ladies thing(you know now- gist not gossip oo, ehen) she redirect us back to our purpose , it got to a point where she had to draw up a time table which include, time to eat, gist  read etc.

She is one of the very few friends who derives pleasure in giving me gifts back then and inviting me to programs.

She is beautiful inside and outside, one of the wonderful friends i celebrate everyday.

Sweety, i love you more than you know, remember those text messages we use to send then? lol

As you become a year older, this is an opportunity for me to tell you that i love you as a friend and sister, more than you will ever know, meanwhile, a confession though, i miss those gifts ooo, i am not to old to still get them now,haba!,  anyways you can always give them to Muhammed for me.

Ore, like you like to say, may Allah continue to strenghten your iman,and guard your step, may the Love in your household continue to wax stronger.

And i almost forgot to add, one of the few friend i fight over and over again those days in school, we can go two three days without talking pretending to be fighting, only to make up and confess how much we miss talking to each

One last thing though, tell Muhammed i said he should give you ten kisses on my behalf, and tell Doctor i said he should give you countless with a special, i can help look over Muhammed for this

Dont let your head over swell jor...


Lots of love dearie..  igba odun odun kan ni InSha Allah.

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